Choose the experience that’s right for you.

Chemistry of Life Processes Institute offers three laboratory-based undergraduate research programs that prepare students to work at the interface of medicine, biology, chemistry, computation, engineering and physics and lay the groundwork for future success. 83% of our undergraduate students have pursued PhDs at top graduate schools, enrolled in Medical Scientist Training programs, or attended medical school. In addition, CLP undergrads have co-authored more than 45 papers based on their work. They also are invited to present the outcomes of their research at CLP’s annual Summer Research Symposium.

Our most prestigious undergraduate research award, the Lambert Fellowship provides multi-year funding for hands-on laboratory research for rising sophomores and juniors majoring in Chemistry under the mentorship of CLP faculty members.

This competitive program provides a generous stipend that allows students to devote 10 full weeks to hands-on interdisciplinary biomedical research in the laboratory of one of the Institute’s 75 renowned faculty.

This $1,000 grant provides students with support for interdisciplinary research with a CLP faculty member. The funds are designated for the purchase of scientific supplies, and registration and travel costs to the annual Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium.

CLP offers an Interdisciplinary Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (I-SURE) partners with local majority-minority institution Northeastern Illinois University to provide their students with interdisciplinary research training and mentorship opportunities in CLP laboratories.


Empower the Next Generation of Biomedical Innovators

Join the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute in fueling the passion and promise of our undergraduate researchers. With your support, CLP can continue to provide hands-on research opportunities through programs like the Lambert Fellowship, Summer Scholars Program, and Interdisciplinary Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (I-SURE).