clp core facilities
Analytical, Translational and Imaging Resources for Northwestern Investigators
CLP manages four shared research facilities. These facilities represent a $25 million investment in high‐end instrumentation and expertise and provide 50 new services that enable investigators to identify, design and refine potential new therapeutics and diagnostics and to visualize their activity in living cells and tissues. The cores’ PhD level personnel develop powerful new tools and methods to support new basic and translational research at Northwestern and across the Midwest.

Platforms for Biomedical Discovery
CAMI offers state-of-the-art in vivo imaging modalities that enable basic science researchers and clinicians to develop new tools to image disease states of cells and small animals and their responses to treatment.
DTC provides a full suite of fee-for-service tumor biology and translational support services that advance preclinical stage projects.
HTA affordably performs massively parallel experiments using state-of-the-art instruments and robotics.
The Proteomics Core offers routine services that include simple protein identification, top-down MS, IP-MS pulldown, and BioID as well as specialized services.
Supplemental Appendices for Grant Proposals
The Chemistry of Life Processes Institute provides boilerplate about our centers and cores that you can use for your grant proposals. Visit our website to download the document. Further information can be provided by:
Sheila Judge, PhD
Senior Director for Research, Education & Administration, CLP, and Research Professor Molecular Biosciences
Core Events
Each year, CLP hosts programs on both campuses to introduce faculty, researchers and students to new and existing core offerings.
CLP Core Crawl
The CLP Core Crawl invites students, staff, and investigators to Silverman Hall to have fun and learn about the instrumentation and services the Institute makes available to them.
Clp core expo
The CLP Core Expo takes place in the Lurie Medical Research Building on the University’s downtown campus. Representatives from CLP’s core facilities are on hand to provide expert consultation on CLP analytical, translational and imaging resources for Northwestern investigators.